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Huawei H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network Training Materials 2017
Basic service set is the basic component of 802.11 network, consists of a set of workstations communicate with each other ¡£
A.True B.False Answer: A
If a completely composed of STA in BSS, the BSS is also called()? A.IBSS B.ESS C.SSID D.BSA Answer: A
In WLAN, AP has been working in half duplex ¡£ A.True B.False Answer: A
Which protocol can support both 2.4 GHz frequency band and 5 GHz frequency band()? A.802.11a B.802.11b C.802.11g D.802.11n Answer: D
Which of the following protocol is set by IEEE 802.11 standard?(Select 3 Answers) A.802.11a/b/g/n B.802.11i C.802.1X D.802.11s Answer: A B D
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