[2017] IBM C9020-668 Storage Technical V1 Practice Test |KilltestNov 15th, 2017 [viewed 110 times]
Many IT professionals prefer to add exam C9020-668 among their credentials. The certification strengthens the employment prospects and opens up myriads of opportunities for them. You can quickly and easily pass the IBM C9020-668 exam by Killtest while retaining the how-to and know-how involved in learning the skills covered in the IBM C9020-668 Storage Technical V1 Practice Test. To make a good preparation for this highly professional IBM C9020-668 exam you must have a complete knowledge and for that you must use an authentic source. It is suggested that the Killtest is the best helper to your success of IT certification exam. So what are you waiting for? Go and get the latest IBM C9020-668 Storage Technical V1 Practice Test from Killtest. IBM C9020-668 Storage Technical V1 Practice Test will provide you with the most updated IBM C9020-668 exam questions and verified answers that highly reflect the actual exam. These IBM Certified Specialist C9020-668 questions and answers provide you with the experience of taking the real test.
IBM C9020-668 IBM Storage Technical V1 Practice Test
Which IBM XIV replication feature provides the ability for a remote target volume to be initialized without requiring the contents of the source volume to be re-replicated over an inter-site link?
A. Offline Initialization B. Quick Initialization C. Synchronous Replication D. Asynchronous Replication Answer: A
Which function provides a high availability feature with dual-site, active-active access to a volume in IBM Spectrum Virtualize? A. Hypersite B. Hyperledger C. Hyper-Scale D. HyperSwap Answer: D
What is the complete source of information for power, cooling, and floor space requirements for IBM tape products? A. Preinstall TDA checklist B. Product announcement letters C. Installation and Planning Guide D. IBM Storage System Interoperation Center Answer: A
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