[2017 New] HCNP-Cloud H13-522-ENU Braindumps Huawei HCNP-Cloud-FCDC H13-522 Q&As Sep 23rd, 2017   [viewed 118 times]
Today, it has reached a level where number of attempts for passing HCNP-Cloud H13-522-ENU Braindumps Huawei HCNP-Cloud-FCDC H13-522 Q&As is hardly matters. Candidate has to prepare with absolute determination and in a focused way if he wants to get Huawei certificate in his hand. Undoubtedly, it demands consistency in approach, clear mind set and hard work. For the people who want to mark their place in the career ladder must get H13-522 Huawei Certificate. Your have to pass H13-522 HCNP-Cloud-FCDC exam to get Huawei Certification. Competition for clearing Huawei H13-522 exam training is becoming tougher day by day. Killtest HCNP-Cloud H13-522-ENU Braindumps Huawei HCNP-Cloud-FCDC H13-522 Q&As are geared up to prepare you for the H13-522 HCNP-Cloud-FCDC certificate. Killtest HCNP-Cloud H13-522-ENU Braindumps Huawei HCNP-Cloud-FCDC H13-522 Q&As are of the highest quality and value due to the non-stop updating and upgrading of our resources to keep all of our tools up to industry standards.

HCNP-Cloud-FCDC Huawei H13-522 Practice Questions 2017 New H13-522 Test Guide Killtest

About Huawei FusionCompute DPM each threshold policy, which of the following statement is wrong? (Multiple choice)

A. By default, conservative strategy will not do power-down operation on the host. Only do the power-on operation on the unpowered host in the cluster when the host resource average utilization is higher than the reload threshold.
B. By default, radical strategy will not do power-down operation on the host. Only do the power-on operation on the unpowered host in the cluster when the host resource average utilization is higher than the reload threshold.
C. By default, conservative strategy will not do power-on operation on the host. Only do the power-down operation on the host when the host resource average utilization is lower than the light load threshold.
D. By default, radical strategy will not do power-on operation on the host. Only do the power-down operation on the host when the host resource average utilization is lower than the light threshold.
Answer: BC

What do Cloud computing security risk concern points contain? (Multiple choice)
A. Virtual machine's isolation and access control
B. Data safety
C. System Availability
D. Administrator Security
E. traffic monitoring and auditing
Answer: ABCDE

In Huawei computing virtualization, which of the followings are Host NUMA characteristics? (Multiple choice)
A. initial placement
B. CPU load balancing
C. topology rendering
D. Shared Memory
Answer: AB

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