2017 New HPE0-S37 HPE ATP - Server Solutions V3 Exam Dumps HPE0-S37 Practice Test KilltestSep 12th, 2017 [viewed 133 times]
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Killtest HPE0-S37 Exam Questions 2017 New HPE0-S37 Practice Exam
A customer is deploying a new solution that requires a third party VoIP card.
Which HPE BtadeSystem component is needed to be abIe to attach the customers existing BL460C Gen9 server blades to the VoIP card? A. HPE OneView B. HPE Storage Blade C. HPE Smart Array P244br controller D. HPE PCI Expansion Blade Answer: D
A system administrator is concerned about a high number of visitors connecting to a company's network in addition to the production network traffic, the network infrastructure is used for the systems management traffic to the company's servers. What should the administrator do to separate traffic? A. implement dynamic routing using the Open Shortest Path First (OSPL) protocol B. Split the traffic using me Virtual Local Area Networks (VI AN) C. Create multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (SIP) instances to carry different types of traffic D. Change the priority of the traffic using the Quality of Service (QoS) feature. Answer: D
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