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[HCNP-Storage-CDPS] Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU Exam Dumps | Killtest Oct 6th, 2017 [viewed 111 times] |
Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU Exam Dumps are specially designed and includes things like H13-623-ENU real exam questions as well as H13-623-ENU notes to clear certain points that are complicated in the syllabus. Killtest Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU Exam Dumps have been released, then we ensure your success in H13-623-ENU HCNP-Storage-CDPS (Constructing Data Protection System) exam. Killtest commitment is to provide you quality HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU exam. Preparing with Killtest Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU Exam Dumps for your H13-623-ENU Huawei certification exam will not only save you energy and resources but time as well, since we have done all that for you, what might take you months to achieve. All that you have to do is to go through H13-623-ENU practice test, and you will acquire this certificate for yourself. IT professionals have put their effort together and have gained a lot of information about HCNP-Storage certification. The specialty of Killtest is to provide most updated and latest H13-623-ENU test questions and answers so that you don't have to bother about anything else.
Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU HCNP-Storage-CDPS (Constructing Data Protection System) Test Questions 2017
In the normal state of replication consistency group, before making the master-slave switchover, which operation needs to be performed on the replication consistency group? A. Slave end cancel write protectionB. Adjust the recovery strategy to manual C. Split D. without any operation, directly to switch Answer: C In VMware backup scenario, which of the following statements is true if the VSA/MA is deployed in specifications for 6+ vCPUs, 16-24 GB RAM, 64 SCSI target virtual machine? A. Apply more than 500 virtual machine application scenarios. B. With the de-emphasis function, each VSA can handle the front-end data volume is less than 10T. C. There is no de-emphasis function, each VSA can handle the front-end data volume is less than 15T. D. IntelliSnap ESX Proxy can be deployed on the same ESX with VSA/MA. Answer: D File-level deduplication is also known as Single Instance Storage (SIS). According to the index to inspect the file attributes which need to be stored, and compares it with the stored file. If it does not have the same file, store it, and update the index. Otherwise, only deposited in the pointer to the existing file. A. True B. False Answer: A VIS configuration before creating business volume, create a logical disk group and add the corresponding logical disk. it is important to note that DCO is set to "Do not retain data". A. True B. False Answer: A Backup Networking LAN-Base is one of the most common networking modes. what advantages is it included? (Optional) A. Make full use of the existing network, cost savings. B. Does not affect the performance of the production host. C. Backup performance is good. D. Control data and backup data are transmitted through service network. Answer: AD Huawei storage supports a variety of disaster recovery networking, which of the following networking can meet the customers needs of RPO = 0? (Multiple choice) A. HyperMetro dual active B. Asynchronous remote replication C. VIS dual active D. Synchronize remote replication Answer: ACD Which of the following statement is correct about the logical architecture of OceanStor backup solution? A. Management system usually deployed at the branch site. B. Each backup system must provide backup media service. C. Backup system must contain a backup agent. D. All branch site backup data must be stored at the central site. Answer: C Which of the following VMware backup networking scenarios do not apply to direct backup to tape? A. VSA and MA are installed on the virtual machine. B. VSA, MA, and ISE are installed on the physical machine. C. VSA is installed in the virtual machine, and MA is installed on the physical machine. D. VSA and MA are installed on the physical machine. Answer: A ![]() Association with Huawei will ensure your success and growth no matter where you might pursue your career. Let Killtest take every worry off your mind and make this dream of an association a reality. Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU Exam Dumps are written and formatted by Top senior IT Professionals working in today is prospering companies and data centers. All of Huawei H13-623-ENU test questions including the H13-623-ENU exam guarantee you success on your First Try. Huawei H13-623-ENU study materials are indeed the top most qualification from Huawei, providing a string of highly qualified professionals to the industry. That H13-623-ENU Q&A will probably meet advisable to a IT pros who would like to Huawei technological know-how. Killtest Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-623-ENU Exam Dumps which contains real exam questions stand out as the greatest investigation tutorial in this H13-623-ENU HCNP-Storage-CDPS (Constructing Data Protection System) test. ![]() |