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vSphere 6 Foundations 2V0-620 Exam | 2V0-620 VMware Certification Training | 2V0-620 VMware vSphere 6 Study Guide
Which two components can be used when configuring Enhanced Linked Mode? (Choose two.)
A. vCenter Server Appliance B. vRealize Operations Manager C. vSphere Management Appliance D. vCenter Server for Windows Answer: A, D
What is the effective vSphere licensing level during the 60 day evaluation period? A. vSphere Foundation Essentials Plus B. vSphere Standard C. vSphere Enterprise D. vSphere Enterprise Plus Answer: D
After installation of a host in your test environment, you need to move it to production. The only major change that needs to be made is that the hostname of the server needs to change. What are two waysthatan administrator can change the host name without editing configuration files on the host directly? (Choose two.) A. Login to the Direct Console User Interface and change it from here. B. Edit the Default TCP/IP Configuration from the vSphere Web Client. C. Use the Ruby vSphere Client to send a script to the ESXi host that updates the hostname. D. Update the information in DNS and the ESXi host will automatically update with these changes. Answer: A, B
What information is required as part of aninteractiveESXi 6.x installation? A. Keyboard layout B. IP Address C. Root password D. DNS information Answer: A
How are ports scaled onvSphere StandardSwitches (vSS)? A. Ports on a vSS can be dynamicallyscaledupanddown. B. Ports on a vSS can only be statically scaled up or down. C. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled down. D. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled up. Answer: A
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